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This drill is designed to encourage players to practice their defending principles such as speed of approach, delay, shape of press, making play predictable, body contact and tackling technique.

Coaching Objectives

Please note that in order for this activity to have the biggest impact on players its best to have two coaches, one focusing on the defending principles and detail, and another focusing on the attacking elements. This will allow the players to receive more effective detail throughout the practice.

The coach working with the defending is looking to highlight when to accelerate to close down a player, when to decelerate and the footwork that goes with that to be able to adjust, as well as the shape of press and the ability to get contact or a tackle on the player in possession.

The coach working with the attackers is trying to get them to go at pace and take the defender on using skill and ball movement to create a goal scoring opportunity.

Drill Setup

  • 20 Mins
  • full squad Players
  • 3 small Goals
  • 2 x team Bibs
  • 40 x 30 y