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Coaching Objectives
Good passing technique and ball skills are key in a 3v2 where the pressure is on players receiving and passing in such a small overload.
Play takes place within the area.
Drill Setup
- 15 Mins
- 9 Players
- 3 Bibs
- 10 x 20 y
Technique Tips
- Attackers: Utilize quick passes, off-the-ball movement, and coordinated runs.
- Defenders: Focus on maintaining proper defensive shape, closing down attackers efficiently, and timely interceptions.
- Possession: Offer support by creating passing lanes and providing options.
What the Players Do
Play a 2v2 in the area plus a magic man who plays for the team in possession. Using triangles and interlink passing, shielding the ball and quickly recover the ball when it is lost. The team without…