Dave Clarke Cupello DOC, Martin Fairn, CEO of Gazing and Abbie Sadler, head of women's coaching at Cupello talk around the topic of mental awareness and look at how Gazing help coaches to use their Red2Blue programme.

Cupello Talks is the podcast of Cupello
In the podcast Dave and Abbie talk to Martin about Red2Blue:
- what is it
- how does it help players
- how does it help coaches?
The three experts talk about many things to do with the mental side of the game and how coaches and players can benefit from being taught what do to cope in pressured situations including:
- Mindset: what has it got to do with coach and player performance?
- Mindset related to individual, team and coach performance
- How can pressure help or is it always unhelpful?
- How can players use red2blue linked to confidence and belief
- How can red2blue support females in new settings & help develop self belief?
- What are best ways to practice red2blue to become more ‘mentally skilful’?
- Have you noticed differences between male and females in this area?
- How can coaches use red2blue?
- Do you need mental skills specialists?
- How does red2blue help coaches work with players of differing genders, ability levels, cultures and even motivation levels..?
- How much do we think coaches consider their practice design when it comes to mental skills, should they?
- Female players love to know the 'why' & love learning but is there a fear of always giving them the answers?
For more information on the Red2Blue programme with Gazing read
Soccer Is Ready For Red2Blue