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Dealing with a player in a youth soccer squad who stands out and finds certain drills boring can be a delicate situation, but it's important to maintain a positive and inclusive team environment. Here are some strategies to handle such a scenario:


It's crucial to strike a balance between catering to a standout player's advanced abilities and ensuring the overall development of the entire squad. Creating an environment where every player feels valued and motivated is key to building a successful and cohesive team.

Individualized Challenges:

  • Approach: Recognize the player's advanced skills and provide additional challenges that align with their level of ability.
  • Benefits: This keeps the standout player engaged while allowing them to continue developing their skills.

Leadership Responsibilities:

  • Approach: Assign leadership roles to the standout player, such as mentoring or helping others during drills.
  • Benefits: This empowers the player and encourages them to see the value in participating in activities that may seem basic to them.

Goal Setting:

  • Approach: Engage in a conversation with the player to understand their goals and aspirations.
  • Benefits: By aligning certain drills with their individual goals, the player may find more motivation in participating.

Variation in Drills:

  • Approach: Introduce variations within the drills to keep things interesting and challenging.
  • Benefits: This ensures that the standout player is consistently engaged while others are still benefiting from essential skill development.

Encourage Leadership Skills:

  • Approach: Encourage the standout player to take a leadership role in demonstrating drills to others.
  • Benefits: This not only engages the player but also fosters teamwork and peer learning within the squad.
  1. Open Communication:

  • Approach: Maintain open communication with the player to understand their perspective.
  • Benefits: By addressing their concerns and incorporating their input, you can create a more inclusive and player-centered training environment.

Individual Skill Development Sessions:

  • Approach: Offer additional skill development sessions for the standout player.
  • Benefits: This provides an opportunity for the player to focus on advanced techniques and challenges without affecting the rest of the team's progression.

Team-Building Activities:

  • Approach: Integrate team-building activities that emphasize the importance of each player's role.
  • Benefits: This helps the standout player understand the collective nature of the team, fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Set Performance Standards:

  • Approach: Set performance standards for the entire team, including the standout player.
  • Benefits: Emphasizing the importance of participation in all drills creates a sense of accountability for everyone, regardless of skill level.

Positive Reinforcement:

  • Approach: Provide positive reinforcement for the standout player when they actively participate in all aspects of training.
  • Benefits: Recognizing their efforts encourages them to contribute positively to the team dynamic.